F.A.Q. : Program Funding Procedure

Application form :

  • How much can be subsidized? Funding is determined by…
    • Type of activities
    • The program under which application is submitted
    • Type of priority (KRETC, ESUMA)
    • Available budget
    • Experience with how the promoter followed up on previous files.

What costs can be funded?

Can be included: Cannot be included
  1. Allowances (unemployed trainees)
  2. Wages (job creation)
  3. Training costs
  4. Travel costs
  5. Other costs, if applicable
  1. Purchase of equipment
  2. Replacement salaries
  3. In-house trainers  

Funding process

  • Application received
  • Letter of Acknowledgement from Program Officer
  • Evaluation
  • Recommendation
  • Approval from KRG

Documents required to open a file…

  • Incorporation documents (first-time applicants)
  • Duly filled out the application form
  • Complete budget details for the project
  • Training plan (if applicable)
  • Job posting (if applicable)
  • Other funders or partners (if applicable)
  • ** Other documents may be required by the Program Officer to complete the file.

How long is the process?

  • Normally if all required documents have been submitted, a file will be processed within 4 to 6 weeks. However, this delay can be longer for the following reasons:
    • If all appropriate documents and details are not provided
    • If an application exceeds $50,000, it will need to be approved by the KRG Executive Committee
    • If an application exceeds $200,000, it needs to be approved by the KRG Regional Council (which meets 4 times a year).

Process of a file…

  • Application/Approval
  • Signed contract by both parties (Coordinator and KRG)
  • Submit claims
  • Process payments
  • Closing the file
  • Additional forms/documents:
    • Completed Schedule C Forms
    • Completed Activity Reports